
The meaning, origin and other details about the last name (surname) Hewett

Meanings & Origins of the Last Name Hewett

What does Hewett mean?

  • Hewett \he-wett, hewe-tt\ as a boy's name is of Old French origin. A surname brought to England after the Norman Conquest of 1066. The Hewett family lived in Huet near Evreux in Normandy, France. Also possibly a diminutive of Hugh (German) "small intelligent one".

    Hewett has 5 variant forms: Hewet, Hewie, Hewitt, Hewlett and Hewlitt.

    Baby names that sound like Hewett are Heath, Hyatt, Hiatt and Hayatt. in the French origin.
  • Little Hugh in the German origin.

Name Details

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  • How to pronounce, Hewett?

    \he-wett, hewe-tt\
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