
The meaning, origin and other details about the last name (surname) Candia

Meanings & Origins of the Last Name Candia

What does Candia mean?

  • Candia \c(a)-ndia, can-dia\ as a girl's name. Name of the town of Candia, now Heraklion in Crete. The name was supposedly used in the Barrow and Quaker families, and established by the late 18th century. A prominent bearer was Candia Barrow, the wife of John Cadbury, founder of the chocolate company.

    Baby names that sound like Candia are Candie, Candi and Canda. Other similar baby names are Candra, Candis, Candita, Candias, Candida, Cindia and Cyndia. in the Unknown origin.

Name Details

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  • How to pronounce, Candia?

    \c(a)-ndia, can-dia\
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