
The meaning, origin and other details about Percy

Meanings & Origins of Percy

What does Percy mean?

  • Pierces in the English origin.
  • Pierce the veil in the French origin.
  • Percy \p(e)-rcy, per-cy\ as a boy's name is pronounced PER-see. It is of Latin origin. A British aristocratic surname derived from Persius, a Latin version of a name used among the ancient Gauls. Persius possibly means "to penetrate the hedge" as reference to an effective hunter, in Old French. See also Percival. Author Walker Percy; poet Percy Bysshe Shelley.

    Percy has 3 variant forms: Pearcy, Percey and Percie.

    Baby names that sound like Percy are Perce, Perez, Pierce, Peirce, Peerce and Pearce.

    in the Latin origin.
  • Goddess of the underworld in the Greek origin.

Name Details

How popular is Percy? Any other details?

  • There were 0 US births last year.
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