
The meaning, origin and other details about Maggie

Meanings & Origins of Maggie

What does Maggie mean?

  • Pearl in the Scottish origin.
  • Pearl in the English origin.
  • Pearl in the Latin origin.
  • Child of light in the Persian origin.
  • Maggie \m(a)-ggie\ as a girl's name is pronounced MAG-ee. It is of English origin. Short form of Margaret (Greek) "pearl". Used as an independent name in the late 19th century. Popular now due to revival of interest in "old-fashioned" names. Dance impresario Maguy Marin; actresses Maggie Smith, Maggie Gyllenhaal.

    Maggie has 6 variant forms: Magali, Maggey, Maggi, Maggy, Magli and Maguy.

    For more information, see also the related name Magnolia.

    Baby names that sound like Maggie are Meggie, Madge and Meggi.

    in the Greek origin.

Name Details

How popular is Maggie? Any other details?

  • There were 1122 US births last year.
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