
The meaning, origin and other details about Jo

Meanings & Origins of Jo

What does Jo mean?

  • God wiIl multiply in the English origin.
  • Violet flower; Modest in the Greek origin.
  • Jo \jo\ as a girl's name (also used as boy's name Jo), is pronounced joh. It is of American origin. An independent name and short form of names like Joanna, Joanne, Jody and Josephine. Also sometimes used as a prefix Jo- in blends and compound names. Literary: Jo was the nickname of the second daughter in Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women". See also Ja- and Je-.

    Jo has 29 variant forms: Jobelle, Jobeth, Jodean, Jodelle, Joetta, Joette, Jolana, Joleesa, Jolene, Jolinda, Jolisa, Jolise, Jolissa, Jolyn, Jolynn, Jo-Marie, Jonell, Jonelle, Jonessa, Jonetia, Joniece, Jonique, Jonisa, Joquise, Jorene, Josanna, Josanne, Jovelle and Jozette.

    For more information, see also the related name Joelle.

    Baby names that sound like Jo are Io, Joi and Joy.

    in the English origin.

Name Details

How popular is Jo? Any other details?

  • There were 40 US births last year.
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