
The meaning, origin and other details about Artemis

Meanings & Origins of Artemis

What does Artemis mean?

  • Artemis \a-rte-mis, ar-temis\ as a girl's name (also used as boy's name Artemis), is pronounced AR-te-miss. It is of Greek origin. Mythology: name of the Greek goddess of the moon, of hunting, and of chastity, equivalent to the Romans' Diana. The other two virgin goddesses were Hestia, goddess of the hearth, and Athena, goddess of wisdom. Name of the granddaughter of Lady Diana Cooper, perhaps as a tribute to the grandmother. The variant Artemisia is the name of a shrub common in America. It is also the name of the colorful 17th-century Italian painter Artemisia Gentileschi.

    Artemis has 2 variant forms: Artemesia and Artemisia.

    For more information, see also related names Cynthia, Luna and Vesta.

    in the Greek origin.
  • Source of water in the African origin.

Name Details

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  • How to pronounce, Artemis?

    \a-rte-mis, ar-temis\
  • There were 167 US births last year.
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