
The meaning, origin and other details about Ken

Meanings & Origins of Ken

What does Ken mean?

  • Born of fire in the Scottish origin.
  • Ruler of the valley in the Celtic origin.
  • Royal obligation in the English origin.
  • Helmeted chief in the Gaelic origin.
  • Ken \ken\ as a boy's name is pronounced ken. It is of English origin. Short form of names beginning with Ken- such as Kenneth. Ken (Japanese) means "strong, physically healthy". The doll Barbie's boyfriend is named Ken. Baseball player Ken Griffey, Jr.; singers Kenny Rogers, Kenny Loggins; saxophone player Kenny G; writer Ken Kesey.

    Ken has 4 variant forms: Kennan, Kenney, Kennie and Kenny.

    For more information, see also the related name Kendrick.

    Baby names that sound like Ken are Kean, Keen, Kenn and Keon.

    in the Japanese origin.

Name Details

How popular is Ken? Any other details?

  • There were 62 US births last year.
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