
The meaning, origin and other details about Jeremy

Meanings & Origins of Jeremy

What does Jeremy mean?

  • Exalted of the Lord in the Hebrew origin.
  • Exalted of the Lord in the English origin.
  • Jeremy \j(e)-re-my\ as a boy's name is pronounced JARE-a-mee. Variant of Jeremiah, in use since the Middle Ages. Modern use may have been inspired by a character named Jeremy on the 1960s TV series "Here Come the Brides". Actor Jeremy Irons; football player Jeremy Shockey.

    Jeremy has 12 variant forms: Jem, Jemmie, Jemmy, Jeramee, Jeramey, Jeramie, Jeramy, Jere, Jereme, Jeremie, Jeromy and Jerry.

    For more information, see also the related name Zachary.

    Baby names that sound like Jeremy are Jeremiya, Jeremia, Jerome and Jeromo.

    in the English origin.

Name Details

How popular is Jeremy? Any other details?

  • There were 1955 US births last year.
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